All of my thoughts. Everything I dream, cry, and smile about.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The World

Everyday we live our typical lives. We walk the same paths, and we have the same job. We might even think the same thing at the exact same moment, everyday.

We are so small. The world is so big. As you take one step, think of how many things happened in that moment: a child is born, someone had their first kiss, someone wrote something down. You just cannot know how many things go on in the world everyday.

We truly are so small, in such a huge world.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I figured it out!

I figured it out!
For everyone to hear.
Love is something to always adhere.
Love is something you can't give up,
Even if circumstances make you want to all the time.
Love is to make you happy,
Feel the way you love to feel.
Don't doubt love for a second,
or else all chance of dreaming goes away.
Love brings good dreams
And good dreams bring happiness.
Therefore love must bring happiness!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Indecision is Horrible

Okay so sometimes it's easy to forget about someone. Someone that didn't have that big of an impact in your life. What if it's someone that did? Someone that changed you so much, and you fell in love with. I never thought it would be that hard to let someone go. If it is that hard, then should you actually let them go? I've tried many times to find someone better to replace them, but I never found one person. Until now. I am completely stuck between two guys. One live so far away that I'll never see him, but I love him. He is often busy, and we told eachother to date other people. The other guy is right here, living two blocks away from me. He is crazy about me, and I definatlty like him. Can i give away love that I can never see, and take someone I like, that I know has a slim chance of working out? Or should I keep this love I've had for so long, and enjoy it, but give up the chance of having someone who is always there for me, and lives so close? I am truly STUCK between these two guys.